How to read the forecast results

How to read the forecast results

This page explains the following values obtained as a forecast result.

Success Rate Forecasted by AI

Success Rate Forecasted by AI


This is the project success rate forecast by AI.

AI forecasts the success rate in terms of a probability distribution. The average value of the distribution is displayed as Success Rate Forecasted by AI.
The probability distribution can be found in the "Details" section.

Distributed probability of project success rate

Please refer to Glossaries for the meaning of “project success rate”.

Goals You Set

Goals you set

This is the average of the target success rate entered in questions 21-24.

Probability of exceeding the goals

It represents the probability that the success rate of the project will exceed the "Goals You Set" as calculated based on AI forecasts.

It corresponds to the area of the red-colored portion of the graph in the "Details" section.

Judgment Score


Projects are ranked on a 5-point scale from “A” to “E” based on the “Probability of exceeding the goals”.

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