Manage organizations

Manage organizations

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This section explains basic operations related to organization management. This organization management provides the ability to manage the organization's API key, which is required to use each function of D-Accel.

Register your organization's API key

To use Audit Log, you need to set your organization's API key. Since it is necessary to create and set an API key for the organization, please do so as an Atlassian organization administrator.

  1. Click "Organization" from the gear icon on the top right of the screen.

  2. Click the Add button.

  3. The Add Organization API Key dialog is displayed.

  4. Follow Manage an organization with the admin APIs, enter a name and expiration date at admin.atlassian.com and click the create button.

  5. Copy your API key.

  6. In the Add Organization API Key dialog, enter the copied API key and the expiry date you set. Click the "Test API Key" button to make sure the API key is valid, then click the "Save" button.

  7. If the API key has already been registered in the app, a confirmation message will be displayed. Select one and click the "Save" button.

  8. The organization's API key is registered.


Update your organization's API key

Organization API keys are valid for a maximum of 1 year (default is 1 week). If the expiration date has expired, you will need to recreate the API key and update the API key, so please follow the steps here. Since it is necessary to create and set an API key for the organization, please do so as an Atlassian organization administrator.

  1. Click "Organization" from the gear icon on the top right of the screen.

  2. Click the "Edit" link for an already registered API key.

  3. The Update Organization API Key dialog is displayed.

  4. Follow Manage an organization with the admin APIs, enter a name and expiration date at admin.atlassian.com and click the create button.

  5. Copy your API key.

  6. In the Add Organization API Key dialog, enter the copied API key and the expiry date you set. Click the "Test API Key" button to make sure the API key is valid, then click the "Save" button.

  7. If the API key has already been registered in the app, a confirmation message will be displayed. Select one and click the "Save" button.

  8. Your organization's API key has been updated.

Delete an organization's API key

To use Audit Log and User Activity, it is necessary to set the organization's API key, but even if the organization's API key is deleted, the data collected by these functions will not be deleted, so if you reset the organization's API key You can use these functions out of the box. Since it is necessary to create and set an API key for the organization, please do so as an Atlassian organization administrator.

  1. Click "Organization" from the gear icon on the top right of the screen.

  2. Click the "Delete" link of the already registered API key.

  3. The Delete Organization API Key dialog is displayed. Click the "Delete" button.

  4. The organization's API key is deleted.

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